Privacy Policy of Simple Mortgage Calculator

Last Updated: December 31, 2023

This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle user data in the Simple Mortgage Calculator app:

Information Collection
The “Simple Mortgage Calculator” application does not collect any personal user data in any form. This application uses the Google AdMob advertising service, which may collect non-personal data such as device IDs and information about the ads displayed within the app. This information is used by Google AdMob to serve relevant advertisements.

Use of Information
Information collected by the Google AdMob advertising service is used for the purpose of delivering ads that are relevant to user interests. We do not use this information to identify individuals or track user activity outside of this application.
The “Simple Mortgage Calculator” application also utilizes Google Analytics for analytical purposes. Google Analytics may collect anonymous data on how users interact with the application, such as usage statistics, session durations, and actions taken within the app. This information helps us understand how to improve the user experience.

Cache Storage
The “Simple Mortgage Calculator” application uses cache to store data necessary for the efficient functioning of the app. This cache contains information such as prayer times and other related data. The cache is only stored on the user’s device and is not uploaded to our servers.

Cookie Policy
The “Simple Mortgage Calculator” application does not use cookies to track user activities.

Sharing Data with Third Parties
We do not share user data with third parties, except for the purpose of ad delivery by Google AdMob and analysis by Google Analytics in accordance with their respective privacy policies.

Data Security
We take reasonable security measures to protect the data we collect and store. However, please be aware that no method of transmitting data over the internet is 100% secure, and we cannot guarantee the security of data during transmission over the internet.

Changes to Privacy Policy
This privacy policy may be updated from time to time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon being updated within this application. Users are encouraged to periodically review our privacy policy to understand how their information is used.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy or the “Simple Mortgage Calculator” application in general, please contact us at

Thank you for using the “Simple Mortgage Calculator” application.

Muda Inovasi Digital